السبت، 31 يوليو 2010

Ten Things We Love To Do But We Can't Do It In Public

  1. licking ice cream cover before starting eating it
  2. make noise with the straw to drink last drop of the juice
  3. take off our high heel shoes when our feet kill us and walk bare footed
  4. laugh deeply from heart when we see a friend fall or Stumbled and we cant help him get up because we are laughing
  5. go to college with pajamas and flip flop
  6. drinking the soup directly from the bowl
  7. eructate loudly after drinking soda
  8. eating pizza or veal steak with our hands when we get a plastic knife
  9. eating nuts and spit its peals directly from the mouth in movie theater
  10. go home immediately after dinner when we invited by friends

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